Radical Healing &


With Hypnotherapy


EST. 2023

Roseville, ca


Meet Carol

I have always had a passion for my fellow humans, and wanting to help in some kind of way ever since I can remember, because I intuitively always understood that we are ALL really one, and that separation is really an Illusion and if I help you, you help me and together we affect the entire Planet and beyond. I took at 33 ½ year detour via the corporate world and am now stepping in to my purpose as many are in these unprecedented times. 

My Story Continued

My offering for this call to be a vessel for your healing was born out of the blood, sweat and tears of many, many challenging years. I came about my name for this offering, because I discovered on my healing journey that self-love seems to be the very last thing we focus on, but without it we can never fully transform, regardless of what we heal and release. After 64 years in this body, I can finally say I love myself. And the final stages of my deep healing and transformation I credit directly to hypnotherapy and of course Source.

It brought up things I did not even consciously remember (in a very gentle way without reliving the trauma) but were definitely manifesting in the present as unworthiness; even unworthiness about having a seat at my very own table in my very own house and feeling unworthy of nurturing and nourishment. It also removed so many, many blocks and obstacles that were preventing me from expressing in the highest version of myself.  My wounds ran deep.

Being divinely introduced to my Hypnotherapist in 2020 saved my life as she held space for the biggest and darkest parts of my healing. Whatever you may be struggling with (it is ALL big when it is happening to us) and wanting to release and/or move beyond, I can hold space for you and genuinely love you and show you the light within yourself, until you can see it for yourself, as we gently remove blocks and obstacles that may be affecting you in the present in an adverse manner.

I would be honored to help you on your journey to freedom.

In Divine Service and Gratitude,



Quechua Prayer About Inner Strength

Here is a prayer from the High Andes Mountains of Peru to add some magic and vitality to your day:

Great Creator, Grant me the light of wisdom.

Mother Earth, bountiful source,

Help me draw strength from the ground beneath my feet.

Father Sun, radiant child,

Fill me with the warmth and energy to face my trials.

Mountain Spirits, who walk the wind,

Guide me on the path of resilience and determination.

May the sacred waters cleanse my soul,

And may the fires of transformation forge my spirit.

In unity with all living beings, I embrace the power within me,

To overcome obstacles and grow ever stronger. Jallalla!

Ready to start diving deeper?